Please hire me today.
But that’s what I want you to do…
…so why won’t you do it?
Oh I get it. I suppose you want me to give you a bit more information don’t you?
I suppose you’d like to know exactly what it is I can do for you, and how I’ll go about doing it?
And then, I suppose I’ll have to explain why this will be a good thing for your business – and why you should hire me.
And I guess you’ll probably then want some kind of proof as well won’t you? Proof I can do it…proof it’ll work…and so on.…
And, of course, all this will have to be done in such a way that makes you actually want to hire me.
There’s a lot more to this advertising lark than telling people your company exists and hoping they’ll buy from you isn’t there?
And I haven’t even touched on targeting, psychology, calls to action, and measuring results.
I can see now why most agencies don’t bother with any of this…
I can see now why they end up falling back on pointless gimmicks and stupid slogans…
Trying to entertain people, instead of explaining the benefits of whatever it is they are advertising…
It’s a helluva lot easier than trying to sell the damn thing!
And, I suppose, if it’s entertaining enough and gets a lot of people ‘liking’ it and ‘sharing‘ it…then surely it’s money well spent?
I mean, does it really matter if it’s not the client, but the Advertising Agency getting all the publicity and awards for its ‘brilliantly clever‘ ad?
Publicity is publicity right?
I mean, who cares if nobody ends up buying your product or service?
Well, I’m sorry, but I care!
And you, as a business owner, should care!
Because “Advertising is the keystone in the arch of sales.”
And if you aren’t utilising the full strength of your advertising then the whole foundation of your sales process will remain weak…
And I’m guessing that’s something you don’t want in the current economic climate, is it?
So if you want your adverts to bring in more customers, generate more sales, and produce more profits, then email me at today and we can make it happen.
I won’t give you gimmicks or slogans – just guaranteed measurable results.
So email me now at and let’s get started bringing you more sales, from more customers, for more profit, more often.
I’m really looking forward to chatting with you soon.
All the best.
Phil Roast,
Hard8marketing Limited
P.S. If you haven’t already, please download your free report, “How to stockpile customers & start harvesting profits on demand!“. And you’ll discover the quickest, cheapest, most profitable method around to keep customers coming back into your business. Click here for details.